Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Apartment and Commute in Haar

 So this time as Coach Alex was moving to a different place, his old room in Haar was available. With only a ten-minute walk to the field it was in a perfect location for me. I didn't have to spend any money on transportation. I stored my big gear bag in the coaches office next to the field as I was a part of the Academy coaching staff so I was allowed to store my own items in there. So I traveled lightly with a backpack that contained my glove, water, snacks, clothing and whatever else necessary.  

The room was owned by a family that lived upstairs. It was actually previously in their daughters use, but she had since moved away. So the room actually belonged to the family as part of the whole house, but it had a separate entrance and the door to the rest of the house was blocked so the downstairs worked as it's own apartment.

The rent was 550€ a month. In the room I had a bed, couch, a desk, a couple chairs and a closet. There was another room for another tenant in the apartment, but I only saw him two times as he was only there for the weekdays for studying and we were both busy with our own things and at different times. We had a shared kitchenette with a hotplate and not much else. Also a bathroom with a bathtub and a separate shower. The bathroom also had a dishwasher and a washing machine.

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