Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Apartment and Commune to Work

 With the apartment we had cleaning shifts every weekend. It would shift between all the tenants. The common areas, the two bathrooms and the kitchen were to be cleaned. We had two cats in the flat, Uma and Iggy who were to be fed wet food in the morning and the night. There was a chart on the fridge door that would indicate if we had fed the cats or no. That was a system developed by the tenants because the cats would demand food from a tenant even if another had given them food earlier.

In the apartment we had a good open kitchen with a dishwasher and washing machine. We had two bathrooms shared, with one of them having a shower. The one with the shower was considered to be used for "bigger ones" and the smaller bathroom with no working lock for smaller ones. 

The rent for my room was 550€ with a deposit of 550€. The room was the biggest one in the apartment and the price was pretty good considering the location and the amenities. Also as my stay was to be limited to only two months, the costs were very reasonable. With Coach Will being one of the tenants, fitting in was very easy.

Will taught me how to get from the apartment in Giesing to the facilities in Haar and back. There was a few options of getting there. Generally I would walk to the U-bahn metro station about 5 minutes away, ride the metro for about 10 minutes to Trudering and from there take the S-train to Haar. Overall the trip would take 35 minutes. Coming back late in the evening the best way to get home was to take the take the S-train towards the city for a little while longer to the Ostbahnhof (East station) and from there hurry to a bus that would take me right next to the apartment. 

I bought a monthly public transit ticket that included as much travel inside Haar and Munich after 9 in the morning as I wanted. The ticket was 55€ which was not too bad considering I would take multiple different transports at least two times a day. 

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